
Exploring My Submission: Journaling Exercise #17

What does trust mean to you in the context of submission? 
trusts, plural
1.      Firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something
§  - relations have to be built on trust
§  - they have been able to win the trust of the others

2.     Acceptance of the truth of a statement without evidence or investigation
§  - I used only primary sources, taking nothing on trust

3.     The state of being responsible for someone or something
§  - a man in a position of trust

4.     A person or duty for which one has responsibility
§  - rulership is a trust from God

5.     A hope or expectation
§  - all the great trusts of womanhood

6.     Confidence placed in a person by making that person the nominal owner of property to be held or used for the benefit of one or more others

7.     An arrangement whereby property is held in such a way
§  - a trust was set up
§  - the property is to be held in trust for his son

trusted, past participle;trusted, past tense;trusting, present participle;trusts, 3rd person singular present
8.     Believe in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of
§  - I should never have trusted her
§  - he can be trusted to carry out an impartial investigation
§  - a trusted adviser

9.     Allow someone to have, use, or look after (someone or something of importance or value) with confidence
§  - I'd trust you with my life

10.   Commit (someone or something) to the safekeeping of
§  - they don't like to trust their money to anyone outside the family

11.     Have confidence; hope (used as a polite formula in conversation)
§  - I trust that you have enjoyed this book

12.    Have faith or confidence
§  - she trusted in the powers of justice

13.    Place reliance on (luck, fate, or something else over which one has little control)
§  trusting to the cover of night, I ventured out

I have removed all the definitions that I did not feel related what “trust” means to me. I believe in my Sir. He believes in me. WE believe in US. We accept each other as we are. Faults, flaws and redemptions in one. Also, not only is E responsible for me, I am responsible for him. For his reputation and his wellbeing. He has my hope and my confidence and I… I am his property. We have an arrangement that I am to be “held in such a way”… lol Maybe not exactly the same, but I feel it still applies.
The verb though… “Believe in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of” wow. “Allow someone to have, use, or look after with confidence” oh and “Commit to the safekeeping of” those define the action of submission for me so well. Submission is trust. It cannot exist independently of trust. Not in a healthy manner. I place reliance on that which I have little control all the time because I have given that control to him. 
He has such a big job. In that one thing, I put so much on him. I need my trust in him. That reliance. To give him that control and have little of it. And I only want to give him more. I don’t see how he does it.
So trust in the context of submission… is everything. 

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